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Cayman Brac is simply a magical island.  If you are looking for a quiet, off-the-beaten-path place to relax and enjoy the sun, look no further.  While the Brac is the perfect place to "get away from it all", there is also plenty to do: 


  • fantastic scuba diving and snorkeling, including a sunken Russian frigate and over 50 pristine dive sites

  • checking out the many caves on the island

  • incredible birdwatching

  • yoga

  • rock climbing

  • fishing

  • hiking one of several trails on the island 

  • exploring the parrot reserve

  • visiting Christopher Columbus gardens

  • sampling local cuisine

  • beachcombing

  • shopping for local art

  • visiting the lighthouse on the bluff

  • playing in the sand on the public beach, where you often will have it all to yourself.


The Brac is small - only 19 km (12 miles) long and about 2 km (1.2 miles) wide, so everything is within close reach.  With a population of only around 2,000, it is an incredibly safe and friendly place to stay.


There are several grocery stores, liquor stores, shops, excellent restaurants and bars, as well as a good hospital including a decompression chamber for divers.


The island is a short fight from Grand Cayman via Cayman Airways, which operates several flights a day.



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